RossY Project Management

Software engenering

Current Projects

We are currently working on these projects

Domain of expertises

Unlocking IT Solutions

  • Identify Customer Needs
  • Prototype Applications and User Interfaces
  • Modeling Database Structures
  • Collaborate with Graphic Designers
  • Efficient implementation of solutions

Empowering Industrial Computing

We specialize in software that seamlessly integrates with electronic hardware, whether it's computers, microcontrollers, or DSPs. Let us assist you in optimizing your industrial computing needs.

Our expertise spans C++, Matlab with Simulink and Real-time Workshop, and Code Composer Studio. Reach out to us today to harness the full potential of your development platforms.

Enhencing Scientific Computing 

With years of experience, we specialize in refining prototypes, optimizing software architecture, and ensuring adaptability in competitive environments.

Programming languages

We develop solution on different language and platforms

Realized projects

Electrical signal sensor

Project management, R&D and development of signal processing software in an embedded environment on DSP

 Technologies: - DSP Texas instrument - Matlab/Simulink/Realtime workshop, C++ 

Pressureless roller conveyor with magnetic clutch

- Technologies: - Plastic molding - Magnetic coupling - 3D design

Development of air conveyor for cans and bottles

An automated method of manufacturing an air conveyor panel using laser drilling.

Patent ->

Conveying puck for flexible box

R&D Director working on  the development of a conveying puck.

patent ->

Digital image processing and measurement

Sofwtare and calibration ruler in dimension and grain size for automated microscope. 

- Technologies: Parallel computing - Computer vision - 2D image analysis - High precision photolithography - NIST certification

patent ->

Knee cartilage volumetric measurement tool

- Technologies: - 3d mesh - Ray launch - Surface intersection - 3D registration - Surface projection - calculation Workflow and R&D


Teach software engeneering

LOG121 - Conception orienté objet 

Designing object-oriented systems, analyzing design problems, and applying design patterns. Includes concepts such as identifying objects, modeling their interaction, and understanding object cohesion and coupling. Also covers comparison of design choices, UML notation, and unit testing.

LOG210 - Analyse et conception de logiciels

Mastering and applying software design patterns.
Designing object-oriented software using principles and heuristic methods.
Developing software iteratively, integrating object analysis and design.
Learning object-oriented modeling techniques, use cases, analysis, design principles, and implementation using contemporary languages.
Practicing with UML tools and software engineering techniques in laboratory sessions.

LOG430 - Architecture logicielle

Topics covered include: design problem characteristics, architecture and engineering, architect's role, quality attribute scenarios, architectural tactics and styles, quality-driven architecture design, documentation, evaluation, and relevant standards. Lab sessions apply these concepts, focusing on architectural styles and software architecture design and evaluation methods.

GTI660 - Bases de données multimédias

This course covers the analysis and design of multimedia databases and data management systems. Topics include database design tools, query methods, multimedia data models, metadata standards, content-based search, and multimedia system architectures for the Internet.

MGL802 - Principes et applications de la conception de logiciels

Learning primary design methods, evaluating new design methodologies, selecting and applying a suitable method for a given software system, assessing design choices including method selection, design quality, formal verification, requirement compliance, etc., and utilizing design tools.

MGL844 - Architecture logicielle

This course emphasizes quality attributes as drivers for activities in software architecture analysis, elaboration, evaluation, and implementation.



What if your electrical panel was... smart !

Conference, Smart Grid Road Show, Toronto · 1 oct. 2010